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How do we ensure this happens?
1. To feel and to be safe
We work hard to help our children to feel and be safe. Our Learning Mentors
are very important in this area; they ensure that barriers to learning are removed.
They train Playground Friends and Peer Mentors who help all children to enjoy
playtime and lunchtimes. They work with children and families to ensure that all
children can access the opportunities our school has to offer.
2. To Learn
All the Teachers and Teaching Assistants are committed to making sure that all our children
make as much progress as possible. We have focussed carefully over the last few years to make
sure that our tracking and monitoring systems are robust and accurate. We provide our children
with a rich and varied curriculum. We really DO want our children to be the best they can be.
3. To be treated with respect
All adults and children in school know that everyone is equal. We endeavour to ensure that
our Inclusion and Anti-Bullying Policies are effective. We have an enthusiastic School Council
and Peer Supporters through School. We have assemblies each week which focus on SEALS
(Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning)
At Dowson
we have 3 Rights
"From the moment
I walked into Dowson
as a new parent I felt
the warmth and a
positive vibe from both
children and staff."
To feel and be safe
To learn
To be treated with respect