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Course Choice
and Structure
Students who choose the academic A Level route
will study 4 subjects. They should choose these
carefully and consider future aspirations, their
academic strengths from their GCSE qualifications
and which subjects interest them most. The
combination of A Levels subjects is also important;
applicants will be invited to attend a consultation
meeting with staff during the spring term to offer
advice and guidance.
Typically, students would complete Year 13 with
three A Levels having `dropped' one subject after
Year 12. Some high achieving Year 12 students
will be able to continue with all four subjects if they
wish to.
Students who prefer a more vocational route will
embark on a BTEC course at the start of Year 12.
These courses will be assessed through coursework
assignments throughout the two years and lead to a
final qualification that can be gained at single,
double or triple A level equivalent; subject leaders
will be pleased to discuss the options with you.
Senior Library
There is a dedicated and exclusive area of the
library for 6th Formers to use, containing a wide
range of recommended reading, course texts,
academic journals and newspapers to inform your
studies. The librarian is always on hand to help
you with any queries.
"Right balance of support and challenge."