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We have very high expectations of behaviour
from all Star pupils so that children learn in a
calm, safe and happy environment.
We want all our pupils to look tip-top and smart
every day. Children wear school uniform from
Nursery to Year 6. Uniform is part of school
discipline and gives the children a sense of pride
and `belonging'. We expect parents to ensure
their child comes to school in smart, correct
uniform every day.
Starting School in
the Foundation Stage
It is a momentous time in a child's life when they
start school for the first time, and our staff will do
their best to make sure that your child settles in
quickly and feels happy and secure. Parents are
warmly invited to stay for Family Reading Time for
the first part of every day in the Reception class.
In the Nursery, at the start of the day parents stay
and settle their children in by playing a game or
doing an activity with them.
"The school is particularly good at pastoral care
and inclusivity. We have an incredibly
multicultural community and I think the care
shown to pupils and the communication between
teachers and parents is excellent."
"The teachers are friendly and supportive. The out
of school hours are fantastic and my son really does
love his school. He's very well settled and is
encouraged to learn and adopt good behaviour."